How Will a Business Be Split During a Divorce in Nebraska?

Divorce can be a complex and confusing process, especially in cases where businesses are owned by the divorcing couple. In Nebraska, it is essential for the successful outcome of your case to understand all legal considerations in the protection and division of any business assets involved in the marriage. This calls for the legal assistance and knowledge of an experienced Lincoln divorce attorney. One of the most contentious topics in any divorce involves property and asset division. This can become even more complicated and heated when a business is involved. No matter who ends up with ownership, the business itself


Small Estate Affidavits in Lincoln

A small estate affidavit can be used in Nebraska to avoid probate court for estates under a certain value. This can help loved ones, and beneficiaries get benefits from the estate more quickly without a long legal process. If you intend to plan ahead to help your loved ones avoid these stressors, a Lincoln estate planning attorney can go over the documents and entities you can use to protect your interests. Why Do You Want to Avoid Probate? Probate court is how an individual’s estate is managed, distributed, and settled by the state. The probate process is used whether the


Understanding Divorce Discovery in a Lincoln Divorce

Divorce discovery is the process near the beginning of divorce proceedings where spouses have an open exchange of information. This includes mostly financial information and helps negotiating or litigating spouses and their attorneys determine a fair split of marital assets and the necessity of support. Discovery can be court-ordered and formal, or it can be informal. Both processes are easier with the support of a Lincoln, Nebraska divorce attorney. Dividing marital assets and debt is one of the most fundamental aspects of all divorces. Nebraska divides assets according to equitable distribution laws. If a couple has their assets divided by


Preparing for the Summer Holidays in Your Parenting Plan

With summer break comes some stressful new routine requirements for parents, especially for parents who are separated. Custody arrangements may change for the summer, and this transition can be hard for kids and parents. Summer break is a fun and relaxing time for kids, but most parents don’t have summer break. Navigating your kid’s free time in addition to your own obligations can be hard, so your parenting plan needs to account for this. A Lincoln child custody attorney is necessary if your parenting plan doesn’t address summer break. You want to plan ahead for summer vacation, and an effective


How to Prepare for Child Custody Mediation

Child custody is an essential part of different court cases, including divorces involving children, the separation of unmarried parents, paternity cases, modifications of orders, and other proceedings. In Nebraska, courts prefer parents to create their own parenting plan outside of court, and they may require parents to do so. Parenting plan mediation is beneficial for many families, and it can be easier with a compassionate Lincoln, Nebraska child custody attorney mediating your discussion. A parenting plan outlines the rights and responsibilities of each parent for custody arrangements, including legal and physical custody. Mediation allows parents to tailor these arrangements to


Do Hidden Assets Affect the Outcome of a Divorce?

Hidden assets during the process of divorce can have a severe effect on the other spouse if the assets are not discovered. It can even result in significant financial hardship. Hiding assets is illegal, but many spouses, particularly those in high-asset divorces, engage in it. If you are concerned that your spouse is hiding assets, you must have a Lincoln, NE divorce lawyer to defend your interests and help you navigate formal discovery. Spouses may hide assets for many reasons. Sometimes, there are genuine fears of financial instability, or there is a sentimental connection to a specific asset they do


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