Getting Divorced in a Bad Economy

When you come to the unfortunate realization that your marriage is going to end, you may want to consider multiple options and eventualities before deciding to move forward with the divorce. One potential influence you may never have thought about considering is the current state of the economy, which can have a surprising influence on your divorce settlement, particularly the financial elements. A Lincoln, NE divorce lawyer can provide you with more information. For many divorces, both spouses may stand to lose a lot more than they’d hoped. After alimony, child support, and an equitable division of assets, you may


Legal Separation Versus Divorce in Nebraska

It can be an overwhelming and frustrating realization when you and your spouse start pushing for a divorce. However, you may want to reconsider your options. There are other avenues you can take before deciding on an option as final as divorce. You may be able to utilize one of these options and work on your marriage on your own terms before getting divorced. One of these options is a legal separation. A Nebraska divorce lawyer can help you weigh your options. What Exactly Is Legal Separation? At first glance, legal separation and divorce seem like two sides of the


How to Protect Your Money in a Divorce

When you decide that the only way forward for your relationship is a divorce, there are many things you may forget to consider at the start. It is important to effectively protect your money in your divorce. It is not a secret that divorce can be frightfully expensive, especially if you haven’t taken any measures to protect yourself. While no one wants their marriage to end in divorce, a Lincoln divorce lawyer can provide you with viable options to protect your finances. Protecting Your Money in a Divorce The financial impact of a divorce cannot be overstated. Divorce isn’t just


How Can an Attorney Help With My Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial agreements allow couples to state their rights and responsibilities to property during their marriage and divorce without being subject to the state’s laws on that matter. These agreements can be incredibly complex, and couples must meet specific legal requirements and provide full disclosure to each other. The creation of a prenuptial agreement is much easier and more likely to be valid with the support of a marital agreement attorney in Lincoln. There are several misconceptions about prenuptial agreements, including the idea that they are never enforced by the court. This is not the case. If prenups follow contract law


Enforcing Child Support in Nebraska

Parents have a legal obligation to support their children. This includes a financial support obligation. If you are a parent who is not receiving the child support payments needed or a parent who cannot afford the payments you are required to make, a Lincoln, NE child support attorney can help. The parents receiving payments can enforce child support. If you are a paying parent, you mustn’t ignore the financial responsibilities you have. Child Support Basics When parents live together, personally and financially supporting a child is easier. When parents divorce or separate, the court creates custody and support orders to


What Can Make My Divorce Case Take Longer in Lincoln?

Divorces are often emotionally and financially draining, and spouses usually want to find ways to resolve their divorce as quickly as they can. Understanding what factors can lengthen or complicate your divorce can help you estimate how long the process may take. The support of a Lincoln, NE, divorce attorney can make your divorce go more smoothly and give you a more accurate picture of how long the process may take. Nebraska Divorce Residency Requirements Before a couple can even file for divorce, one or both of them must meet the residency requirements in the state. In Nebraska, the residency


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

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